Emergency response: equine incident

Participate in expert-led tutorial discussions and practice with equipment and dummies to gain experience in large animal rescue and emergency response. 


Where: Equine stream - NZVA and NZVA Conference, Te Pae, Christchurch

When: 8am - 5pm

Date: Friday 21 June


Below is a list of topics included in the workshop. Session information will be available under the programme.

  • Horses and incidents
  • Triage at an incident
  • Vets at a multi-agency incident
  • Field sedation and anaesthetics
  • Options for rescue
  • Overriding principles of a large animal rescue operation (practical)
  • Basic rescue techniques (practical)
  • Complex large animal incidents


David King, Christine Smith, Patrice Palleson-Putt, Steve De Grey


This workshop is part of the lecture programme, however you must register for the workshop to ensure you are counted and resources are sufficient.

To register, you must register for Friday 21 June and then select the workshop.