20 June 2022
An endocrinology approach to polyuria/polydipsia | Jessica Romine | 8am
Increases in urinary output ultimately are related to the degree of water absorption in the kidney, but this process is influenced by numerous other organs and metabolic conditions. This talk will review the pathophysiology of polyuria and polydipsia (PU/PD), and the various hormones affecting the kidney’s ability to concentrate urine appropriately. Focus will be on a diagnostic approach to PU/PD including important historic details, test prioritization, and reasoning behind different therapeutic tactics.
Canine hyperadrenocorticism: which test is best and what treatment works | Tommy Fluen | 9am
This talk will focus on the appropriate diagnostic testing for suspect cases of hyperadrenocorticism in dogs as well as a discussion about management of the disease medically. We will focus on some of the newly proposed monitoring strategies for medically managed cases of hyperadrenocorticism.
Surviving clinical errors in practice | Brett Gartrell | 10.30am
We all make mistakes. In clinical practice some of these are benign errors that cause no harm to our patients, but we also make mistakes that can cause serious harm or even kill the patients we are trying to treat. It is our ethical obligation as veterinarians to take steps to minimise the risk of errors made by ourselves, our staff and the people we train. However this is hampered by a lack of systems in veterinary medicine for clinical error reporting and analysis. The veterinary profession needs to mature in their handling of clinical errors, and adopt the model of addressing the multi-factorial causes of clinical errors. As a profession, as employers and as supervisors we need to move away from the “blame and shame” model of response to clinical errors. As individuals we need to accept our fallibility, strive to learn compassionately from our own mistakes, but also build our own resilience to the effects of making clinical errors. Organisational and professional communication tools can be implemented in workplaces to create a culture of safe disclosure and discussion and reflection techniques promoting resilience. A system for reporting clinical errors across the veterinary profession would allow us to identify and correct common errors, but there are significant cultural and logistical hurdles to implementing such a system. Perhaps the easiest place to start is by beginning to talk about our own mistakes.
Calcium and vitamin D disorders | Jessica Romine | 11am
Calcium is critical to multiple physiologic processes, and calcium homeostasis is typically tightly controlled through several mechanisms. This talk will review the role of calcium and Vitamin D in the body, how Vitamin D is absorbed, and consequences of hypo- and hyper-vitaminosis D. Testing and treatment strategies will also be highlighted for some of the more common Vitamin D-related clinical scenarios, along with recent connections between Vitamin D state and various other comorbidities.
Thyroid disease in dogs: making an accurate diagnosis | Jessica Romine | 11.30am
Hypothyroidism is one of the more common endocrine disorders in dogs but due to thyroid fluctuations in various disease states, definitive diagnosis can sometimes be difficult. This talk will review the basics of thyroid physiology as well as where along the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis issues may arise. Current literature regarding best testing strategies will be highlighted. Causes of the less common diagnosis of canine hyperthyroidism will also be reviewed.
Canine diabetes: my approach and the progress we have made | Linda Fleeman | 1.30pm
Diabetes in dogs will often respond well to standard treatment resulting in excellent long-term outcomes. However, cases complicated by concurrent conditions such as Cushing’s, chronic pancreatitis or other gastrointestinal conditions can be challenging. Strategies are required to prioritise diagnostic investigations and manage treatments in a timely manner that preserves owner resources. This includes insulin treatments to deal with insulin resistance while minimising hypoglycaemia, and the most useful monitoring options.
Feline diabetes: my approach and what we have learnt | Linda Fleeman | 2.30pm
Diabetes in cats usually responds well to standard treatment resulting in excellent long-term outcomes. However, cases complicated by concurrent conditions such as chronic renal failure or gastrointestinal conditions can be challenging. Understanding the impact of these conditions on diabetic control informs strategies to manage multiple treatments in a manner that preserves owner resources. This includes insulin treatments to deal with insulin resistance while minimising the risk of hypoglycaemia, and the most useful monitoring options.
Nutrition in diabetes | Linda Fleeman | 4pm
Nutritional strategies are as important as insulin treatment for the management of diabetes. Postprandial glycaemia in dogs varies significantly in shape and magnitude with diet, and typically lasts longer than it does in people. In contrast, postprandial glycaemia can be minimal in cats and often is sustained over 24 hours. There is no single approach that is “best” for all cases, and so flexible and patient-focussed options are required.
Diagnosis and management of hypoadrenocorticism in dogs | Tommy Fluen | 4.30pm
This talk will discuss the diagnosis of hypoadrenocorticism (Addisons disease) in dogs along with updates on acute and chronic treatment strategies.
Diagnosing and managing insulinoma | Tommy Fluen | 5pm
This talk will discuss the presentation and diagnosis of insulinoma in dogs along with some updated treatment strategies
21 June 2022
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Understanding learning theory | Lindsay Skyner | 8am
Animals are always learning; therefore, they are always being trained whether this is intentional or not. In order to ensure an animal is not suffering, it is important to understand the species' behaviour, so as to correctly know what they are communicating with us. This presentation will discuss the types of learning, relevance of motivation and explanation of all four potential operant conditioning consequences that are so often misunderstood.
How to provide low-stress veterinary visits for your patients | Jess Beer | 9am
An overview of the steps needed to reduce fear, anxiety and stress in your patients. Evaluating the environment, handling techniques and the use of medications. Refresher on understanding body language to enable you to read your patients before they resort to aggression. Low Stress Veterinary Visits are kinder to your patient, appreciated by your clients and staff and will reduce injuries due to aggressive pets.
The gut-brain axis: is it relevant in cats and dogs? | Caroline Mansfield | 10.30am
The GI microbiome is complex and impacted by many external factors, and despite converging with similar phenotypes becomes unique for each individual mammal. There is an equally complex interaction between the GI microbiome, the enteric nervous system and the brain that opens up the possibility for therapeutic intervention in both disease involving the brain. This presentation will focus on what possibilities exist for this within the companion animal sphere.
Effective use of medications for behavioural issues | Elsa Flint | 11am
In recent years, awareness of neurochemical and neurophysiological abnormalities and the existence of anxiety-based disorders in animals, has increased. Medication is available to treat abnormalities which may previously have resulted in euthanasia or abuse of affected pets. This lecture gives a brief overview of medications that are available to treat behavioural abnormalities and to prevent anxiety in animals during visits to the vet. Medications now regularly used in animals to address these problems include SSRIs (Fluoxetine Sertraline), SARIs (Trazodone), TCAs (Clomipramine), Gaba receptor agonists (Benzodiazepines), alpha-2 adrenergic blockers (clonidine), and calcium channel inhibitors (Gabapentin) combination therapy is often used. Most of these drugs are not registered for animals but have been used successfully for several years.
Puppy socialisation: how do we advise clients? | Jess Beer | 1.30pm
The balance of providing puppies with the exposure they need whilst still protecting them from diseases and experiences that may lead to serious health and behaviour problems. How to provide your clients with the right advice to balance both the health and behavioural needs of puppies.
The case for reward-based learning | Lindsay Skyner | 2pm
Humans are generally poor at interpreting animal behaviour, especially that of dogs. A lack of understanding of behaviour, training techniques or the difference between reward and aversive-based training can result in a breakdown in the human/animal relationship, risk of aggression, and intensified occurrence of behavioural problems. This presentation will clarify some of these areas of confusion and introduce CANZ Accreditation and how it can help you in practice.
Case studies focused on anxiety conditions | Elsa Flint | 2.30pm
A selection of cases from the behaviour practice with an emphasis on anxiety-based disorders including separation distress, agoraphobia and status related aggression in dogs. Cases requiring desensitisation to the clinic environment are included. Some interesting cases of inter-cat aggression are presented.
Treatment and handling for cats in the senior life stage | Jess Beer | 4pm
To ensure elderly cats can receive the veterinary care they need, it is important to handle and treat these patients with care. Recognising behavioural clinical signs and consequences of medical issues, and how to balance the needs of multiple health concerns. Including tips to perform routine diagnostics in elderly cats.
Is it behavioural or medical? | Elsa Flint | 4.30pm
Apart from an obvious injury, accidents, lumps, bumps, discharges, odours and coat changes, owners usually bring their animals to vets because they have seen a change in their behaviour. This might be a change in appetite, exercise tolerance, gait, demeanour and interaction or elimination habits. Owners often have preconceived ideas about behavioural changes so It is up to the veterinarian to determine what is causing that behavioural change and to treat it appropriately whether this be with medical intervention, behavioural modification or a combination of both. It must be remembered that behaviour is a reflection of genetic make- up, the animal’s internal environment (physiological state) the external environment, and experience.
Panel discussion | Elsa Flint, Jess Beer & Lindsay Skyner | 5pm
22 June 2022

How to get the best from your pathology lab | Sandra Forsyth | 8am
Taking the right samples at the right time and providing a good history go a long way towards getting the best from your veterinary pathology laboratory. We will cover how to get the best from your laboratory to maximise the diagnostic and prognostic capabilities of the samples to improve patient care.
Salmonella trends in companion animals in New Zealand | Lisa Hulme-Moir | 9am
Over the last five years there has been a significant increase in cases of salmonellosis in dairy cattle with the emergence of unusual serotypes. The same serotypes have also increasingly been isolated from both humans and companion animals. Data collected through the MPI Animal Health Surveillance programme and an overview of Salmonella cases in companion animals submitted to Gribbles Veterinary laboratories during the last 10 years will be presented.
Cytology in practice: part one | Sandy Weltan | 9.30am
Addressing the mutual frustration for clinicians and pathologists of non-diagnostic samples. Tips on aspiration techniques, making slides and staining slides to optimise diagnostic quality. How to avoid low cellularity, broken cells, dilution with blood and artifacts. Which tissues provide diagnostic cytology samples and which do not.
Thoracic imaging: is it heart or lungs? | Rachel Pollard | 10.30am
This discussion will use a case-based approach to help participants feel more comfortable distinguishing between cardiac and pulmonary causes of respiratory distress in dogs and cats. Focus will be placed on image optimization and interpretive principles applicable in general practice.
Basic diagnoses with abdominal ultrasound | Rachel Pollard | 11.30am
This discussion will use a case-based approach to help participants apply ultrasound physics and a knowledge of artifacts to clinical situations commonly encountered in general practice. Focus will be placed on abdominal ultrasound and using basic interpretive principles to generate appropriate differential diagnosis lists.
It’s in the blood: in-house vs laboratory blood tests | Sandra Forsyth | 1.30pm
In-clinic analysers instantly provide practitioners access to biochemistry and haematology results which can aid in diagnosis of a disease condition as well as cater to the needs of clients. With the acquisition of such tools comes the responsibility to use them correctly and to interpret the results accurately. How to get the best from your in-clinic analyser and how using a combination of in-clinic and diagnostic laboratory facilities to maximise your diagnostic capabilities will be discussed.
What can clinical pathology offer in GI disease work up? | Sandra Forsyth | 2.30pm
GI disease is typically investigated using endoscopy, radiography and ultrasonography. These diagnostic tools can be expensive and are not necessarily available to everyone whereas laboratory tests are typically less expensive and much more readily available. This session will discuss the tests that are available to practitioners for the work-up of the GI case.
Reducing compassion fatigue and moral distress in animal care professionals | Bridey White | 3pm
Embedding sound emotional health practices into the work life of animal care professionals is integral to workplace mental health. Animal care professionals face different and similar challenges to their non-animal health care counterparts. They experience the human animal bond compounded by the caring killing paradox. Both factors converge, potentially creating health and safety risks that can have mental health consequences. Understanding some of the complexities can reduce the cost of caring.
Cytology in practice: part two | Sandy Weltan | 4pm
Specific sampling conditions for cerebrospinal fluid and nasal samples. Getting the best out of your microscope. Basics of identification of cell types and when the distinction becomes blurred. When to refer to a pathologist.