breakfast sessions

Poo-tential: Transforming the microbiome with faecal transplants and diet

Where: Oceania Room, Te Papa

When: 6.45am - 7.45am Thursday 5 June

Audience: Targeted towards veterinarians, however nurses welcome. Limited to 150.

Speaker: Nick Cave BVSc MVSc PhD MANZCVS DipACVN


Where: Icon Room, Te Papa

When: 6.45am - 7.45am Thursday 5 June

Audience: Targeted towards veterinarians and veterinary nurses. Limited to 70.

Presentation summary:

  • Overview of Cytopoint – how Cytopoint paved the way for monoclonal antibody therapies in veterinary medicine.
  • Safety profile.
  • Positive impacts.
  • How to utilise veterinary nurses to manage derm consults more efficiently .
  • The Cytopoint Approved Administrator course for veterinary nurses and techs.