Wednesday 9 November

Workplace Workflow, Efficiency and Prioritisation 

1.30 - 5.00pmDiary / Time Management

  • How do we value ourselves and feel empowered to make decisions?
  • How do we effectively triage clients to ensure efficient clinic operations and get clients agreeing to this as acceptable (as opposed to meeting client expectations no matter what)?
  • How do we support our people to say “no” or “later”?
  • What communications tools can we use to do this?
Sue Crampton

Thursday 10 November

Know Your Worth 

8.00am - 12.30pm
Are you charging correctly and how can we do this?

  • What am I currently charging in my fees?
  • What am I not charging for but should be?
  • What is the impact on my EBIT if I change my fees?
  • How do I convince my own team it is OK to do this?
  • How do we charge clients correctly (and who does this)?

How do I pay my staff more?

  • Where is current team vs the VBB benchmarking?
  • Worksheets to calculate increase in EBIT to support x% pay increase. 

Nick Copper

Sue Crampton

Mark Hosking

Investment in People 

1.15 - 4.30pm
Good workplaces – what does success look like?

  • Presentation from VetOra on Good Employer awards and what it looks like to be a good employer
  • Evaluating employer performance
  • Creating a change management plan back home – how do I implement the tools/tricks etc. that we have learned about
  • How we take the team along with us?


  • Creation of buddy support groups 
Rachael Fouhy

Mike Lange

Kevin Bryant

Sue Crampton