Dog intubation

Dog intubation is a common occurrence in veterinary practice, yet it can be a daunting procedure, particularly for someone who does not feel confident. Learning the theory before practicing best-practice methods under supervision before earning this badge will ensure you can complete this tasks with confidence.


The learning objectives for this proficiency badge are:

  • Identifying anatomy of the throat.
  • Throat examination and recording normal and abnormal features.
  • Communicating throat examination findings to veterinarian to confirm plan.
  • Describing dead space, its implications in terms of airway management and methods to minimise the effects of it.
  • Selecting endotracheal tube size and length for optimal placement and minimal dead space.
  • Swift and gentle intubation.
  • Assessing correct placement and depth.
  • Checking for leaks.
  • Safely inflating cuff as needed.


The learning outcomes for this proficiency badge are:

  1. Apply knowledge of throat anatomy to examination of the throat and record keeping prior to intubation.
  2. Apply knowledge to select, check and prepare ET tube and other equipment prior to intubation.
  3. Intubate canine patients safely ready for inhalation anaesthesia.

What to expect

  • This Edu-Badge should take approximately 2 hours of learning plus the practical assessments.
  • You are required to be working in a clinical setting to complete the assessments.
  • You will need access to a video recording device.
  • You must have a mentor (see Guidance below)


Edu-Badges are designed for learning to occur in a workplace setting. Each candidate will need a mentor/coach to help guide them through the resources and practical task/s to gain proficiency.

This Edu-Badge is suitable or veterinary nurses that hold a qualification eligible for registration in New Zealand (refer to: for eligible qualifications). We've provided some mentor guidelines to
help you select the best person to help you.


Once your registration is received, you will get access to the resources in VetScholar (NZVA's online learning platform) which you will need to work through before completing the assessment.


The assessment comprises three parts and is completed in VetScholar. Each part of the assessment must be completed and submitted for marking and awarding of the badge.

The three parts of the assessment parts are:

  1. Verification completed by your mentor/coach
  2. Video recording of you, the candidate, successfully intubating a dog
  3. Reflection on your dog intubation skill development

Full instructions are provided for each task in the separate documents. All aspects of each task must be completed correctly to pass this proficiency badge. The verification must be completed, and the verifier attested to the learner's proficiency before the video is recorded. The verification and completed video will be submitted along with the reflection to an independent assessor for marking and an award of proficient or not yet proficient.


$115 incl. GST.