Veterinary authorisations

Online guides and authorisations for anyone working alongside a qualified veterinarian.

These courses are designed to provide technicians, currently working in a veterinary practice, a pathway of recognition of their practical skills and knowledge when completing tasks using restricted veterinary medicines (RVMs) that require a veterinary authorisation. In order for veterinarians to write authorisations for their technicians, they are required to provide yearly evidence of training and competency evaluations, all which has to be documented. These courses meet the criteria for training as set by the VCNZ ands VPIS and provides veterinarians assessment worksheets to provide evidence of competency.

Xylazine sedation of calves for disbudding - available

Provision of pain relief when castrating lambs - available

Disbudding cattle - coming soon

Provision of reproduction drugs when working with dairy cattle - coming soon

Metrichecking dairy cattle - coming soon

Endometritis treatment for dairy cattle - coming soon


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