Watch a pre-recorded webinar over lunch with your team and Norbrook Territory Manager.
Learning objectives
In this lunch and learn you will:
Learning outcomes
Improve the care of animals across New Zealand by improved understanding of rehabilitation (specifically regarding arthritis) and clarifying when arthritic patients will receive benefit from the veterinary team collaborating with a qualified physiotherapist.
Michelle Monk BPhysio(Hons) MAnStudies(AnimalPhysio) DipMyoTher, MAPA
Over twenty years ago Michelle began her physiotherapy journey as a human physiotherapist after graduating from Melbourne’s Latrobe University. With a life long passion for animals Michelle was disappointed to discover that her beloved four-legged friends didn’t have access to the same level and quality of physiotherapy care. After completing her Masters Degree in Animal Physiotherapy, Michelle has dedicated her life to not only providing that care for dogs but also in teaching others and transforming the industry. As the CEO of Dogs in Motion Canine Physiotherapy centres, the Founder of Canine Health and Wellbeing Academy and a board member of the Australian Canine Rehabilitation Association, Michelle Monk has made a considerable contribution to the rehabilitation of thousands of canines in Australia and internationally.
VCNZ recommended area(s) of competence for well-rounded development: