1. Effective communication skills
Discover tips for improved communication in the workplace, understand different communication styles and how to overcome communication barriers. Format: Interactive lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
2. Communication techniques
Using assertive language, diffusing anger and working with client disappointment. Understand why clients can become difficult and explore awareness and communication tools to support yourself and your team in preparing for and dealing with difficult client situations. Format: Interactive lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
Learning outcomes include:
3. Managing the complaining or emotional client
Understand the complaining or emotional client, tips for communicating with these clients and how to deal with complaints effectively to keep your clients coming back. Format: Videocast lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
4. Assertive language for difficult situations
Learn how to resolve difficult situations calmly and effectively using the strategies and tips outlined in this informative short course. Format: Skill builder - designed to provide short and sharp training on specific skill sets.
5. Top tips for diffusing anger
Dealing with an angry customer can be challenging and stressful. In this course, you will explore practical tips for understanding anger, dealing with conflict and communicating in difficult situations. Format: Skill Builder. Designed to provide short and sharp training on specific skill sets.
6. Client communication: The demanding client
Understand why clients get angry, tips for communicating with an angry client, and how to prevent complaints. Format: Videocast lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
7. Client communication: The detailed client
Understand communication styles and how to adapt your style to communicate with the detailed client. Learn how to handle communication clashes. Format: Videocast lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
8. Client communication: The introverted client
Understand communication styles and how to adapt your style to communicate with the introverted and shy client. Learn how to handle communication clashes. Format: Videocast lessons that should take up to 1 hour to complete
NZVA member: $95 | Clinic support staff*: $95 | Non-member: $190
Access will be emailed within 3 working days of registration.
Shannon Leader
Events Manager
* You are eligible for this rate if you work in a support role within a clinic which has staff who are NZVA members.