Feline Infectious Peritonitis- The 2025 update

  Monday 14 April 2025

  7.00PM: Drinks, nibbles and mingling | 7.30PM: Talk commencement

  Room WK136 (near the main entrance wing of WK Block), Whitireia & WelTec Campus Porirua, 3 Wi Neera Drive, Elsdon, Porirua


A lot has changed around the diagnosis and treatment of Feline Infectious Peritonitis. Recent breakthroughs in FIP treatment, thanks in part to research conducted at ARC Vets, have dramatically improved the prognosis for affected cats. Discover how these advancements and newly available drug options are saving feline lives, and learn about the essential role veterinarians play in this evolving landscape.


Dr Ryan Cattin is a Registered Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine and has been a key member of the specialist team at Animal Referral Centre (ARC Vets) since 2018. He is a born and bred Kiwi, who obtained his BVSc from Massey University. He then consolidated his skills and got a feel for the life of a GP veterinarian as a new graduate in Whangarei. After completing a residency in Auckland, he was successful in attaining Fellowship of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) in 2017. 

He is passionate about education and has been very active within the Small Animal Medicine Chapter of the ANZCVS since becoming a fellow. Ryan co-ordinates the Internal Medicine residency programme at ARC and loves to put interns and any visiting veterinary students through their paces testing their knowledge. 

Ryan was a recipient of the 2024 Companion Animal Veterinarians (CAV)/Hill’s Pet Nutrition Educating the Educators Scholarship. Since 2000, the Companion Animal Veterinarians (CAV) Branch of the NZVA has provided an annual educational scholarship for veterinary educators. This initiative supports advanced veterinary practitioners in bringing valuable knowledge and insights to New Zealand that CAV members might not otherwise have direct access to

Outside of work, Ryan loves spending time with his wife and two children. He is a keen runner, cycler and swimmer. He has also recently tried his hand at woodworking, including making electric and acoustic guitars.

NZVA & NZVNA: Complimentary
Non-members: $25.00


Ata Snow
Events Coordinator
P 04 831 1385