Increase your knowledge and confidence in responding to cases of animal abuse and family violence
Wednesday 30 April & Thursday 1 May 2025
7.00PM: Drinks, nibbles and mingling | 7.30PM: Talk commencement
Marlborough | Scenic Hotel Marlborough, 65 Alfred Street, Blenheim Central (Wednesday 30 April)
Nelson | Nelson Vets Saxton, 2 Findlay Place, Stoke, Nelson (Thursday 1 May)
This interactive workshop is designed for veterinary professionals dealing with cases of animal abuse where there are suspected or actual links to family violence. Participants will explore how animal abuse is linked with family violence in New Zealand and develop confidence to respond in a meaningful way to effectively address cases of animal abuse that may involve family violence. This workshop is restricted to a maximum capacity of 30 people per event.
Catherine Rice - Principal Lecturer at School of Animal Health Otago Polytechnic.
NZVA & NZVNA: Complimentary
Non-members: $25.00
Ata Snow
Events Coordinator
P 04 831 1385